English follows Japanese. 志鎌氏が手掛けるChildren of the discordanceよりrecoutureとのコラボレーション最新作が公開。最新作は、Nikeの加水分解して履けなくなってしまったスニーカーを再生することをコンセプトに制作。Children of the discordance×recoutureは、B’2ndとThree Oneにて今週末よりリリース。 Children of the discordance unveiled another collaboration footwear with recouture. The concept of this sneaker is giving another life to sole-separated sneakers. recapture updated Hideaki Shikama’s archive sole-separate sneakers. Children of the discordance × recouture will be ava…
続きを読む>>Children of the discordance unveiled another collaboration footwear with recouture.