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Dover Street Market releasing Fluro Rebellion on December 11th.

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English follows Japanese. Dover Street MarketよりFluro Rebellion collectionがリリースされる。ホリデーに合わせてデザインされた同コレクションでは、Comme des garçonsや繋がりの深いKaws、Futura、そしてFragment Design、Brain Dead、CLOTなどとのコラボレーションを展開。同コレクションは、12/11より発売。   Dover Street Market has unveiled Fluro Rebellion for Holiday season. This collection consists of variety of brands and artists such as KAWS, Futura, COMME des GARÇONS SHIRT, Fragment Design, CLOT and more. It including hoodie, tee, shirt, jersey, leather goods, shoes and accesso…

続きを読む>>Dover Street Market releasing Fluro Rebellion on December 11th.

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