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Supreme has uploaded Larry Clark’s movie KIDS.

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English follows Japanese. SupremeがLarry Clarkが1995年に手掛けたKIDSを公開。KIDSは低予算ながらも高い評価を浴びた映画で、Supremeのスケーター達が出演している。ぜひ1995年のニューヨークの若者、そしてスケートシーンをチェックして頂きたい。 Supreme   Supreme has uploaded Larry Clark‘s KIDS from 1995.The film is known as low budget successful movie and follows a group of young New York City skaters as they embrace debauchery and hedonistic activities. KIDS stars includes Supreme’s skaters Justin Pierce, Harold Hunter, Chloë Sevigny, Leo Fitzpatrick, Rosario Dawson, and Javier Nun…

続きを読む>>Supreme has uploaded Larry Clark’s movie KIDS.

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