
GOAT open Pop Up gallery in LA.


スニーカーの購入、そして売却を行うアプリGOATがLAにて3ヶ月の間Pop Upギャラリーが行われる。ギャラリーではLAにて誕生した25足の歴史的なスニーカーを展示、スニーカーに所縁のある人物の講演会もあるので興味がある方はこちらから予約をしてみてはいかがだろうか?

Sneaker Upp GOAT will open pop up gallery in LA from October 7th. GOAT’s three-month pop up gallery celebrates the artists, shoes and boutiques that have shaped pop culture and paved the way for sneaker enthusiasts everywhere. The first rotating exhibit, The Greatest: Los Angeles, pays tribute to LA’s impact on global sneaker culture, with its story told through 25 pairs of historically-significant shoes born out of the city.  More information check out from here.

GOAT’s The Greatest
8830 Washington Blvd, Suite 101
Culver City, CA 90232
United States

Source: WTS
