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Nike React Elements 87 New colors releasing on August 14th.

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高橋盾が手掛けるUndercover 2018秋冬コレクションにて公開された、Nike React Element 87。同モデルと同様のカラーリングのサンプルがリーク。Undercoverのロゴは入っていないないのだがNikeより一般モデルとして発売されるのだろうか、それともUndercoverとのコラボレーションサンプルだろうか? 詳細は不明だがそのビジュアルを下記からご覧頂きたい。また、情報が入り次第、更新致します。

Nike React Element 55が2019秋冬に発売予定、87と異なり透けた素材を使用しないモデルになるとのこと。(6/24更新)


Nike React Element 87の2019年発売モデルがリーク。(7/12更新)

Nike React Element 87が新色を8/14発売。(8/13更新)


Jun Takahashi has unveiled Nike React Element 87 collaboration at his Undercover 2018 Fall Winter Collection. But same color of Nike React Element 87 is leaked without Undercover logo. Nike will release Nike React as general model or these are just sample pairs of Undercover collaboration? Check out their closer look and stay tuned for more updates.

These models will be available on 21st in Asia, Latin America and Greater China, SNEAKERS in Europe and select Nike Sportswear retailers. A North America drop will follow on July 13 through SNKRS and select retailers.(Updates June 11th)

Nike React Element 55 releasing holiday season. Some of the major differences between the two is that the React Element 55 is equipped with a non-translucent upper.(Updates June 24th)

Mid cut model of React elements is leaked. It features knit upper with strap on sides and react mid sole.(Updates July 8th)

Another color of Nike React element 87 will be available in 2019.(Updates July 11th)

Nike will release new color of react elemets 87 on August 14th.(Updates August 12th)

(Dark Grey /Pure Platinum/ Photo Blue)

(Desert Sand /Cool Grey/Smokey Mauve)




Pics Via,gc911,Hypebeast,owaishsb,Pinoe77,solelinks

Source: WTS

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