
Offline 1st Collection.


新鋭ブランドOfflineが1st Collectionを公開。offlineとは現代社会に対しantiを突きつける2人のデザイナーが手がけるブランドだ。服のパートを担当するMasaは、クリスブラウンやフレンチモンタナなど多くの海外セレブが愛用するNew York発のブランドSABIT NYCのアシスタントとしてそのキャリアをスタート。現在ではパリ、ロサンゼルス、東京を飛び回り、海外ブランドの日本進出に携わっている。ジュエリーデザインを担当するShoichi Kakinumaは20歳で東京の名門ジュエリー学校を卒業、その後Shinalizedを立ち上げ、ジュエリーデザイナーとしての活動を開始。5年間Shinalizedとして様々な経験を積み、その表現方法と技術をアップデートした後、満を持してブランドVACATION.Jewelryを立ち上げる。そんな彼ら2人が生み出すOfflineは、服とジュエリーが融合した今までにない新たなスタイルを提案。下記よりそのコレクションをご覧頂きたい。

Up coming brand Offline has unveiled their 1st collection. Offline is the finest product that was built upon a session by two artists who anti-pose against modern society.  Masa, the designer started his career in NYC where he worked for “SABIT NYC” as an assistant designer. Chris Brown, French Montana were among the many celebrities to favor the brand. In 2014, after 7years in the U.S., he relocated to Tokyo. Currently, he travels back and forth between Paris, Los Angeles and Tokyo to assist international brands expand in Japanese market.  Shoichi Kakinuma, the Jewelry designer, graduated from the most prestigious jewelry school in Tokyo. Right after, he launched his jewelry line “Shinalized” and started off his career as a jewelry designer. 5years with Shinalized, he took his experience and advanced skills to launched his new jewelry line “VACATION.Jewelry”. One who makes [clothes], and one who makes [jewelry], the collaboration of the two strives to express that “one thing” that constantly comes together and be refined.  When two different paths crosses, chemistry overflows and movements are born. Fashionistas who are trend-driven would not be able to take their eyes off  (offline).



Source: WTS
