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ロアンの音楽は、一般の人気と批評家からの称賛の完璧な組み合わせを打ち出しています。通常、これはオバマが好むタイプのものです。彼女の排除は、より悪質な何かが起こっていることを示唆しています。恐らく、彼は誇り高いレズビアンが成功するのを見ることができないのでしょう。シスジェンダーの女性がドラッグカルチャーからインスピレーションを得ることが文化的に不適切とみなす、女性嫌いの考えを持っているかもしれません。彼女が民主党を批判し、ホワイトハウスでの演奏を拒否して彼の全てを侮辱した後、復讐にでているのかもしれません。どんな動機があろうとも、私たちはそれを信じません。オバマ氏、この哀れな見せかけを今すぐやめて、「Good Luck, Babe」が好きだと認めてください。

Obama’s Playli

Lucy Dacus’s Criticism

When Barack Obama published his summer playlist last year, Boygenius’s Lucy Dacus accused him – accurately – of being a “war criminal.” But this year’s fall-out has been even more intense. After the former President snubbed Chappell Roan – deliberately and maliciously – we are forced to ask an uncomfortable question: why does he hate art made by lesbians?

Chappell Roan’s Music

Roan’s music, which hits the perfect combination of popular appeal and critical acclaim, is usually the exact kind of thing that Obama goes for. Its exclusion suggests that something more sinister is going on. Maybe he just can’t stand to see a proud lesbian winning. Maybe he holds the misogynistic view that it’s culturally appropriative for a cisgender woman to take inspiration from drag culture. Maybe he’s out for revenge after she criticized the Democratic Party and refused to perform at the White House, thus insulting everything that he holds dear. Whatever the underlying motive, we don’t buy it: Mr Obama, sir, drop this pathetic charade right now and admit that you like “Good Luck, Babe,” at the very least.



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