今回は、日本屈指のスニーカーヘッズ、インフルエンサー、そしてAlways Out Of Stockを手がけるKING-MASA氏にインタビューさせて頂いた。海外に留学した経緯、海外での生活、スニーカーやストリートファッションに興味を持ったきっかけ、 自身のブランド、そして今後について幅広くお話を聞かせて頂いた。下記からその内容をご覧頂きたい。
In this third interview, we feature the famous sneaker heads King MASA who is also the founder of Always Out Of Stock. He told us about his career, life abroad,his brand and more. Check out his interview! English Translation as below.
小学校の頃によく家族で海外旅行へ行っていたのですが、カッコ良くスニーカーを履きこなすアメリカ人を見てスニーカーに興味を持ちました。SupremeやBapeなどのストリートファッションに関しては、Street Jackの影響です。
Air Force1 Low馬華です。小さい頃に家族でハワイに旅行へ行った際にKicks HIというスニーカーショップで購入しました。日本では完売していたのですが、Kicks HIには売っていて、親に誕生日プレゼントはなしという条件で買ってもらいました。
3.人気ブログHI-LIFE-SBを始めた経緯、そしてKing MASAの名前の由来を教えて下さい。
中学生だった頃、海外のセレクトショップやスニーカーショップを調べても日本語での情報がなく、掲示板などで聞いても自分で調べろとあしらわれ、それなら自分でやろうと思い始めました。海外に留学していた時は、現地のリアルな情報、日々の生活などを日記のような感覚で配信していました。現在行なっているInstagramでのQ&AやLIVEは、自分の知っている範囲で質問にお答えし、当時の自分のように困っている方々に少しでも役に立てればと思い行っています。名前の由来は、掲示板で質問しまくり叩かれていたハンドルネームがKING MASAだったからです。叩かれていたやつがBlogを始めたということもあり、それなりの話題性はありました(笑)
きっかけは父親です。父親がテーラードを好きで、父親のスーツや家に置いてあったレオンを読んで興味を持ちました。ヨーロッパのテーラードの細部までこだわった作りなどはとても魅力的です。好きすぎて一時期スーツばかり着ている時もありました。4年ぐらい前からイタリアの展示会Pitti uomoにも参加しているのですが、ヨーロッパの人の着こなしがとてもユニークでカッコいいです。最近ではスーツにスニーカーやSupreme×The North Faceを合わせている人もいました。また、Barney’s NYさんで若い世代にスニーカーの展示を通じてテーラードに興味を持ってもらうというPop UPを行ったのですが、それは僕がスニーカーだけでなくテーラードも好きでPittiに参加していたことがきっかけでお声がけを頂きました。
1.How did you get interested in fashion and sneakers?
I was inspired when I visited the US and seen how some of kids were wearing their sneakers. Street Jack was a huge part of my interested in street fashion. Street Jack is street fashion magazine in Japan that focuses on international street wear.
2.What was the very first pair?
The first pair I bought was Air Force1 Low BAKA. This pair was sold out all over Japan, but while on vacation in Hawaii I went to visit Kicks HI and I was able to find it there. My father bought them for me as a early birthday gift.
- What’s the reason you started the popular blog “HI-LIFE-SB, and where did your nickname “KING MASA” arrive from?
When I was in high school I was interested in select shops and sneaker stores in the mainland but no matter where I looked I couldn’t find any information about them let alone anything in Japanese, I reached out to other bloggers and such but was met with the same response of find out in your own, so with that I decided to start my blog. When I was studying abroad I gathered information about LA and even AUSTRALIA and along with my daily life abroad I wrote about them almost like a diary. I do Instagram live Q&A for those like me who wanna gain knowledge about the culture they love. I answer to the best of my ability with what I know so people won’t have to go through what I did and struggle to learn. As for my name it was because I asked so many questions to other blogs and never let up even when I was ridiculed or looked down on. Then because of that I got the name “KING MASA” that also brought attention to the blog with it being run by someone who they felt they ridiculed and that stirred up a lot of notice for my blog as well.
- What made you go and study abroad, and why did you chose AUSTRALIA for your destination?
Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to communicate and get my point across without being able to speak with all the sneaker stores and mainland shops I knew I wanted to learn English that brought me to study abroad. Also wanting to be able to buy sneakers and my favorite street wear brands was also a reason. I chose Australia because they had a store in Melbourne that sold supreme and other select items, one of my teachers was from Australia and highly suggested I go there to study.
- Tell us about your life living abroad in Australia?
It was difficult at first I could hardly speak English but having a common hobby fashion, sneakers and street wear I was able to communicate and become friends with some of the shop employees who I hung out with every week. They all liked BAPE so I was able to have my family in Japan buy and sent stuff over to me. In turn my friends got me really good deals on sneakers there. Hanging out with them in no time I was able to speak and understand English.
- What was the reason for choosing to go to UCLA and how was life in LA? What are your favorite shops in LA?
I love the surf culture and street wear alike so it was ideal for me surf in the morning and afternoon then of course me my love for sneakers so on release days I would go and line up for the newest sneaker drops or the SUPREME releases. That was pretty much my life surfing picking up new releases or other items from select shops. My favorite stores would have to be BLENDS and UNDEFEATED.
- We heard you have a liking for European tailoring, what was the reason for your interest in it and what are some stories you have regarding this?
My father liked tailored items and my liking stems from there. His tailored suits or the LEON MAGAZINES that he would have around the house. I’m fascinated by the detail and craftsmanship that goes into a tailored suit. I was so into it that there was a time where all I dressed in was suits. I’ve had the pleasure of being apart of the Italians men’s fashion show and event PITTI UOMO. The European style is such a unique look and it to this day is one of the coolest to me. In recent times suits have made a jump into street wear or vice versa with people now coordinating sneakers with their suits and even mixing in some key collaborations like a supreme x north face jacket. I’ve done a pop up at BARNEYS NY to try and get the younger generation more interested in tailored goods. My interest in both sneakers and tailored good and my history with PITTI UOMO was the main reason I was able to do the event at barneys ny.
- Having friends in other countries as well as Japan what do you MASA cherish and what is the difference between Japan and other countries?
What I cherish the most is the people I meet. If someone invites me to go somewhere or to someplace I rarely ever decline. I see it as an opportunity to meet new people and create new bonds. If my friends or even their friends come to Japan I make it my priority to make time to show them around. Some people do have certain reputations and such but I don’t like to judge someone unless I met them and make that decision for myself.
The big difference between Japan and other countries I feel is the fact that American will be blunt and say what they feel. Good or bad. Japanese culture frowns upon such blunt honesty and even to this day many people can’t or won’t speak what the truly feel almost to protect the other person or just because.
- What are somethings you felt once you created your own brand?
Before I was just a buyer of clothing because I loved clothes. Now I’m shopping for materials choosing colors and going through all my options for designs and pattern where there are millions of combinations of all while making sure all my choices are true to me and represent what I believe the best. I’m happy to announce that I’m working on a high end premium line that I can focus on making high quality goods the way I think will represent me and my style the best. So I hope everyone will be looking forward to that.
- What do you have planned in the future?
I just wanna be able to bring the joy of street fashion combined with tailored goods to all my customers. I wanna make the best items I can with my brand. I’m always striving to become better and make quality items.
Next year I have a collaboration with Italian denim brand SIVIGILIA. The release of that is something I’m also highly looking forward too.
Pics Via,Hi Life SB,KingMASA
Source: WTS