English follows Japanese. StüssyとGORE-TEX®より新作がリリース。今回のコレクションでは、テクニカルパーカー、パンツ、そしてハットをブラックと迷彩の2色で展開。同コレクションは、本日リリース。 Stüssy and GORE-TEX® have come together again to create a durable, waterproof three-piece collection ready for the elements. The Wading Shell Jacket, Cargo Shell Pants, and Storm Shell Hat are all done in both Realtree MAX-5® camouflage print and matte black. Stüssy & GORE-TEX® will be available on stussy.jp and Dover Street Market Ginza E-Shop on Friday, March 19th at 1…