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TAKAHIROMIYASHITA TheSoloist released collaboration with the Netflix vs. The World.

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English follows Japanese. TAKAHIROMIYASHITA TheSoloistより映画Netflix vs. The Worldとのコラボレーションがリリース。同映画は、Netflixの裏側に迫るドキュメンタリーで元関係者らの証⾔をもとに、創業秘話やライバルとの攻防などを紐解く。同コラボレーションは、フロントとバックの全面に映画のロゴ、Soloistのロゴなどを大胆にプリント、直営店などで発売中。   Japanese brand TAKAHIROMIYASHITA TheSoloist released collaboration with the movie Netflix vs. The World. This movie is chronicles how the once broke Silicon Valley startup and its years-long struggle against competitors like Blockbuster and Amazon, turned into the world’…

続きを読む>>TAKAHIROMIYASHITA TheSoloist released collaboration with the Netflix vs. The World.

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