
米 PLAYBOY 誌が2018年版の “Playmate of the Year” を発表


ウサギのロゴでもお馴染みの歴史あるアメリカの成人向け娯楽雑誌『PLAYBOY』が、2018年版の“Playmate of the Year(PMOY、プレイメイト・オブ・ザ・イヤー)”を発表。今年はニューヨーク出身のアメリカ人モデル、Nina Daniele(ニーナ・ダニエル)がその栄光に輝いた。

“Playmate(プレイメイト)”とは『PLAYBOY』がグラビアに採用するモデルの通称名であり、同誌は毎年1名を前年に誌面に掲載されたプレイメイトの中から“PMOY”として選出。今年の“PMOY”に選ばれたNina Danieleは2017年3/4月号に登場、ちなみにその号は2016年3月号からヌード写真の掲載を取りやめていた同誌にヌード写真が戻ってきた記念すべき号でもある。今年の“PMOY”を祝し、写真家Jennifer Stenglein(ジェニファー・ステングレイン)によって撮り下ろされた計11ページにわたるNina Danieleのグラビアカットやインタビューを収めた『PLAYBOY』2018年5/6月号は、アメリカ本国にて4月24日(現地時間)より発売開始とのこと。気になる方は抜群のプロポーションと美貌を誇るNina DanieleのInstagramアカウントをチェックしてみよう。


Well Damn. I don’t even know what to say. I’ve never wanted something so much in my life and to see it manifest is a dream come true. I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it; hoping all the right words would come to me and I’d pop off with something profound but I can’t even think right now, I’m actually crying because I’m so overwhelmed LOL I guess that’s the most honest reaction I can have. I’m usually so good with words and for once I have none. Thank you to everyone at @playboy for making my dreams come true. Thank you for believing in me, for trusting me and for accepting me. Thank you for giving me this platform, this is gonna be one hell of a year AND YOURE STUCK WITH ME NOW MWAHAHAHAHA!!! ??? Thank you @cooperbhefner you are one in a million. I’m so honored to work at your side at something so incomprehensibly huge I can’t even wrap my head around it at times. You are an inspiration to this world! Thank you @deacsy for your vision and your creativity, thank you for seeing the Femlin and me and trusting me to recreate her in bringing your vision to life. Thank you @thisannaisbananas for being unapologetically you, for being brilliant and outspoken, for being a true light in my life. Thank you @tamaraprahamian for always keeping me calm and collected, for making me feel safe and under control when the world is spinning. Thank you to my rock @jhanellecastillo ❤️ for being my biggest supporter, for encouraging me beyond belief and loving me in ALL my moments. ?? @arigbyw @jeremi.lt @patrickpalacios @inretrospekt @evan.would @wishy0uwerenthere @___lo__ @jd_aguon @danielbuerge @lizstewartproductions @elizabethsuman THANK YOU TO THIS TEAM ? @jenniferstenglein you incredibly talent beautiful GODDESS YOU!! MAKEUP @yomatisse STYLING @awildatheart HAIR @amber_duarte THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has followed my journey, who has encouraged me and supported me and VOTED for me. I love you all so much and I’m so excited to share with you something so special to me that was made possible because you believed in me too. I AM THE NEWEST PLAYBOY PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR 2018!! TURN UP!!! YASSSSSSS ? #PMOY2018 #thesavagebunny

NINA DRAMA ?TheSAVAGEbunnyさん(@ninamariedaniele)がシェアした投稿 –

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